Fertility Problems Do Not Need to Break Up Your Marriage!

It’s a common fear among many couples that fertility problems are going to wreak havoc on their marriage and even lead to divorce. Women in particular seem to harbor the fear that their husbands feel as if they are failing them, and will trade them in for a “working model.” However, it has been proven […]

What Happens When You Have Unexplained Infertility?

Infertility is a lot more common than most people think. Believe it or not, about 1 in 10 couples experiences problems with conception at some point in their attempts. This may be with their first child, or they may actually have problems conceiving after they’ve already had a child. Usually the issues they are facing […]

The Biggest Cause of Infertility That You Can Fix Yourself!

Facing the challenges of reproductive issues is a difficult situation for any couple. Tests and treatments can be expensive and downright unpleasant. Sometimes, for some couples, there is no one cause of infertility that the doctors can pinpoint and then subsequently correct. This can be frustrating and downright disheartening. But for most, there is something […]

The Most Common Causes for Infertility

Don’t believe the myth that infertility is all in your head.  Most causes for infertility have medical roots in the reproductive systems of the man or the woman, or can be a combination of problems form both.  To get a better understanding of how this can happen, let’s look at some of those common causes […]

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