Proven Cure For Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease the affects thousands of people worldwide. It can inflict immense pain and inflammation in the joints. It is one disease that can affect both men and women. Contrary to the popular opinion, it is not an old man’s disease. It can affect young girls and boys and even toddlers too. There are many forms of arthritis and some of them include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, juvenile arthritis etc.,

One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It affects both men and women but majority of sufferers are women over the age of 55. This is largely an age related disorder and affects weight bearing joints in your body such as hips, knees, spine, feet etc., One of the most basic reasons of this kind of arthritis is the depletion of cartilage that exists between the bones. When this cartilage begins depleting bones begin rubbing against each other leading to intense friction that results in pain, inflammation and swelling in the joints. Over time, it can result in bone degradation and lead to intense pain too.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another common form of arthritis. It also affects millions of people but it is quite different from osteoarthritis. It is largely an autoimmune disorder and happens when your immune system begins attacking joints in your body in the same manner as it does bacteria and viruses. What causes this is not known but it can result in severe inflammation and pain in the joints.

Another severe form of arthritis is gout. It mainly affects men who love to wine and dine lavishly and is related to high uric acid in the body. This is a disabling and can make even small movements extremely painful and difficult. Gout attacks come and go on their own but they can inflict excruciating pain.

Arthritis does not heal with time. In fact, it tends to get worse over time. Most of the doctors prescribe painkillers to help reduce pain but such medications can result in a whole lot of side effects.

One of the best treatments for arthritis is Provailen. It is a breakthrough in arthritis care. Provailen is a 100% natural supplement that can help relieve pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness in joints. Some of the natural ingredients used in its formulation include reishi fungus, tongat ali and capsicum extract.

One of the most important ingredient in Provailen is reishi fungus that is used to treat a variety of health problems and disorders. It is commonly used in Chinese medicine. Yet another important ingredient is Tongat ali that can help strengthen muscles around the joints, This can be every effective since it can help reduce load from the joints and ensure comfort. Capsaicin extract, on the other hand, can help ensure faster absorption of the ingredients into the body leading to faster and better effects.

But this is not all. Provailen is backed with clinical trials and studies too. It is effective in almost 87% of cases and can help reduce arthritis pain by as much as 90% without causing any nasty side effects.

Provailen is effective in treating almost all kinds of arthritis and can even make you sleep better without the nagging pain. However, it is not suitable for people who are allergic to capsicum. In such a case, you must avoid using this supplement. Visit to find out more on Provailen.

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