Struggling With Cold Sores With Helpful Natural Treatments

Dealing with cold sores can be quite a challenge but there are lots of great do-it-yourself solutions and treatments accessible. Fortunately, there are tons of remedies that one can use.There are a lot of simple treatments that can be found in the kitchen and also a variety of homeopathic treatments. There are a variety of ways to attack cold sores. A lot of of these techniques can numb the ache and substantially speed up the healing time.

One of the first things that you have to keep in mind is to not cover them up. Especially when the blister pops, anything that goes into the sore can make it worse and spread the cold sore. It is important to keep makeup and moisturizers away from the infected area. There are tons of medicines available that can really assist the healing process. Simple things like petroleum jelly or Vaseline can be a great way how to get rid of cold sores quickly. Natural remedies can also be quite effective.

One more thing you can do is mix one ounce of drinking water together with 1 tsp of baking soda. The remedy can be blended together in a small glass. After things are all mixed together, drink the solution and do it again about 3 times daily. When this is used on acommon basis it can actually avoid cold sores from happening.

Garlic has some very effective antibacterial properties, but some people don’t like using it because of its scent. You can just take a garlic supplement if you don’t want to eat, it or just eat a bunch of garlic if that’s no problem. Garlic juice can also be rubbed right onto the sore. This will hurt a lot though so you might not want to try this method. There are some fantastic natural home remedies like garlic that can be very effective.

Other common therapies include lemon balm, tea tree oil and oregano oil. All of the treatments can properly be used to get rid of pain brought on by cold sores. All of these remedies are organic and have proven to be very effective in the past.

Do not under any circumstances pop the blister of a cold sore. This will often spread the cold sore to neighboring areas. It is very important to keep the infected area clean.

The only way to know which remedy will be the most effective is to give them a try. Since there are so tons different ways there is no doubt that some of them will work for you. Pharmacists can also advise plenty of great treatment methods..

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